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Safeguarding Policy

Jersey Eisteddfod Safeguarding Policy (Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection)

The aim of the Jersey Eisteddfod is to be a force for the promotion of the Arts in Jersey.

The welfare of all who take part in its Festivals is of paramount importance and all participants – but especially children, young people and vulnerable adults – have a right to protection from abuse. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and receive a swift and appropriate response. Every reasonable step will be taken to ensure that all competitors, and those who supervise them, are protected.

No single organisation can guarantee protection but the aim of the Eisteddfod is to ensure that every participant in its events is provided with the maximum protection that is humanly possible so that their participation in the Festival is an enjoyable experience. The Jersey Eisteddfod accepts that in promoting participation in the Arts in Jersey it is put in a position of trust and caretaking and is thus most concerned to ensure that this does not lead to a situation whereby any of the participants can be abused. It is the intention of the Eisteddfod that this trust is widely known so that all participants feel themselves able to disclose any abuse to which they believe they have been subjected. It is equally the case that the Eisteddfod does not wish to see an occasion arise where those who have the care of the participants are placed in situations where abuse might, without justification, be alleged.

The Jersey Eisteddfod understands the need to monitor risks by identifying those people who might need protection and ensuring that those in authority are right and fit people for the purpose. The supervisors of Eisteddfod functions therefore always give priority to the welfare of the participants.

Should a problem be reported to one of the supervisors, it will receive due attention with the minimum delay.

In certain Sections of the Festival, it will be necessary for the participants to use back-stage accommodation to prepare themselves for their performance. All rooms used for costume changes shall be allocated on a single-sex basis. No adult, unless the adult be a Parent of the contestant or a Responsible Adult, shall share a dressing room with a child, young person or vulnerable adult. The Eisteddfod will use best endeavours to ensure that there are a sufficient number of suitably qualified chaperones at all times both in the Dressing Rooms and for the purpose of conducting the participants to and from the stage or performance area.

Definitions of terms used:

Children: anyone under the age of majority, that is to say 18.

Young people/person: children who are in the upper age range and who prefer that term.

Vulnerable Adult: any person who is, or may be, in need of community care services because of mental disability or other disability, age or illness and who is, or may be, unable to take care of himself or herself or unable to protect himself or herself against significant harm or exploitation.

Parent: either of the parents or the legal guardian of the child or young person or any person about whom the Jersey Eisteddfod has received written authority, from the Parent.

Responsible Person: any Parent or appropriately authorised person of whom the Jersey Eisteddfod has received due notification with regard to the participant concerned, prior to the commencement of the relevant Festival.

General Administrator: Ms Karen Dufty Tel:854529